Friday, October 4, 2013

Happy Friday. So the song of the the week is...Zip-a-Dee-Do-Da. This is an older Disney song.If you need to hear how this song sounds, check out Have a great weekend.

Friday, September 27, 2013

I thought I'd show everyone what instrument I play. I use a green Clark penny whistle in a D key. The picture below is the closest that I could mind. Mine doesn't have the lettering on it though. 

Hello everyone. It has been one hell of a week. School just started, so in favor of everyone heading back to school, wanting more sleep, I'm posting, The Lion Sleeps Tonight. 

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Hey everyone. I just got my birthday present and it's a brand new 12 hole ocarina. It's design is based of The Hobbit. It's surprisingly heavy, and I haven't yet gotten the hang of how to play it. I have a feeling that nothing is easier than the penny whistle, but it's so pretty. I got mine from

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Well, we all made it through Wednesday, that's always a good sign. Today's song is All the Pretty Little Ponies. This song was the lullaby in the newer version of Flicka with Time McGraw. This is just the tune for the lyrics. If you need to hear the timing, you can check out the video at

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

So, I thought about continuing the Zelda theme, but I shall save that for another day. I think today, we'll throw in some classic Disney. 

That's right, if you've already tried this one without looking for a title, it's Beauty and the Beast by Disney. This is the version that Mrs. Potts sings in the animated film.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Happy Sunday everyone. If anyone has a song request, let me know and I'll see if I can translate it. But now I shall pose a question to you: What is your favorite song?

Saturday, September 14, 2013

This is the lullaby from Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time. Arguably one of the most popular games of all time. If you need to hear the timing for this song check out: There is a slight variation to this version.

Friday, September 13, 2013

For my first song, I chose Concerning Hobbits. I'm almost positive that the main instrument for this piece was a penny whistle. Yes, you can find this song on the internet, but they never seem to add the higher part after the initial run. I hope you enjoy. Leave me a comment with the difficulty and I can add that. Thanks.

Hey everyone, if there's anyone there. The name's Piper. I started playing the Penny Whistle just about a year ago, but I noticed that I couldn't find any tabs for the music I wanted to play, like the Zelda Video game music, it was all for an ocarina, or Disney music. Couldn't find any. So I decided to figure it out myself and write it down. Now I want to share it with anyone who wants to learn something other than Irish Folk Music. So here we go.