Monday, February 23, 2015

It has been a really long time since I posted anything and I thought that it was time. This time around we're doing the Misty Mountains from The Hobbit. The plus under the note means that you need to go up an octave.

Peter Hollens does a great a capella version of this on Youtube. So check that out if you have a hard time with the timing. You can click the link here:
Hope you enjoy and let me know what songs you want me to try to convert.


  1. Hello, Piper! I've grown up with my dad playing the tin whistle, but haven't actually begun seriously playing till January. This site has been a lot of fun! As much as I love the Irish tunes, they're hard when you don't know the songs. It's awesome to be able to play the ones I know and love. Thanks! -Lanier

  2. Thanks so much. I started this blog because I couldn't find anything else that was really helpful and I can pick up tunes by ear. Happy Piping!
